1890 2 4/8 c dull blue
Cliché Type I, Gum Type A.
Sheets of 200 (10x10 - 10x10 with gutter) inscribed CORREOS 6,000,000 from 30,000 sheets issued 1 January 1890
The colour of this stamp is generally described as "blue" and although shades exist no significant variations in colour occur.
#MP13 dull blue
Stanley Gibbons and Galvez (1942) indicate that this issue was printed on thin paper. These descriptions are generally relative to the later 1894 issues which tend to be on thicker paper.
Some examples of this issue have also been noted as occurring on thin semi-transparent paper.
Gutter pair
The stamps occur on large sheets of 200 stamps comprising two panes of 100 seperated by a gutter.
Full sheet of 200 stamps with CORREOS inscriptions
There is a difference in the spacing of the incriptions, the left-hand side being longer than the right-hand inscription
Left and right pane inscriptions
The Gaceta de Manila (1 July 1898) reports the Decree issued on 28 June 1891 which stated that the 2 4/8c stamps should be withdrawn from circulation (by 15 July 1891 in Manila) and returned to the Treasury. This was due to the change in postal rates on 13 March 1891 and lack of application.
Palmer (PPJ 2014-1) records the existence of a long scratch across three stamps (positions 17, 27 and 37). Other scratches are also known to exist (see plate flaws).
Single long scratch across positions 17, 27 and 37
Edifil: #81 blue ‘azul’ (1 Jan 1890)
Scott: #149 dull blue (1890)
SG: #163 deep blue (thin paper) (1 Jan 1890)
Palmer, M. 2014. King Alfonso XIII, Scratches on the 2 4/8 c dull blue (Scott #149), and 2 4/8 c olive grey #150). Philippine Philatelic Journal, vol 36 no. 1, pp 28-30.
1892 2 4/8 c olive grey
Cliché Type I, Gum Type A.
Sheets of 150 (5x10 - 5x10 - 5x10) inscribed COMMUNICACIONES 6,000,000 from 40,000 sheets issued 1 January 1892
There is a range of shades that this issue can be found in. Bartels et al (1904) and Palmer (1912) noted the colour varieties “grey olive” and “olive grey” and there is a range of shades between the two. Cotter (1897) even describes the colour as "brown".
Harradine suggests that it is probable that additional supplies of the 2 4/8 c stamp were received from Spain and put on sale during the period 1894 to 1896. Scott’s 1895 catalogue recorded two issues, the first in '1892-1893' coloured “olive” and the second in 1894 coloured “grey”. Similarly, Galvez (1942) catalogues a bronze green issue on opaque paper issued in 1894, and commanded a price somewhat higher than the 1892 issue. The London Philatelist (March 1894) also records being sent specimens of the new colours for 1894 which include 2 4/8 c “grey”.
#MP14 grey olive and olive grey shades
Double gutter
The stamps occur on large sheets of 150 stamps comprising three panes of 50 each seperated by a gutter.
Full sheet of 150 stamps with COMUNICACIONES inscriptions (only known full sheet)
Peterson (PPJ 2014-2) records an error in the sheet inscription with “centavos” misspelled as “contavos”. This error occurs above the left pane and possibly exists on all sheets. However, it is known that two plate settings exist with some of the plate flaws repaired or removed. The above sheet contains the "contavos" error and is represents a printing with the plate flaws repaired. It is sheet number 33,138 out of a reported 40,000 sheets.
Error in sheet inscription with contavos” instead of “centavos”
Examples of many shade varieties (some caused by toning)
Edifil: #94 olive grey ‘gris oliva’ (1891-1893)
Scott: #150 olive grey (1892)
SG: #178 olive grey (1 Jan 1892)
Palmer, M. 2014. King Alfonso XIII, Scratches on the 2 4/8 c dull blue (Scott #149), and 2 4/8 c olive grey #150). Philippine Philatelic Journal, vol 36 no. 1, pp 28-30.
Peterson, D. 2014. Two plating errors on Scott #P1 Sheet Margin Imprints. Philippine Philatelic Journal, vol 36 no 2, pp 37-37.
Postal Usage
Correos circular Manila date stamp (12 Feb 1890) on 2 4/8c dull blue;
Correos circular Iloilo date stamp (Aug 1890) on 2 4/8c dull blue;
Communicaiones circular date stamp (Jun 1890) on 2 4/8c dull blue
Communicaiones circular date stamp on 2 4/8c olive grey;
Registration circular 'Correos de Filipinas' cancel (Perterson Type 4) on 2 4/8c olive grey in dark violet ink;
Correos circular date stamp on 2 4/8c olive grey in red ink
Registration Manuscript Certificado cancel (Perterson Type 17) on 2 4/8c olive grey
Postal Issues
Newspaper Issues