
Gaceta de Manila - 15 July 1890

On the 15 July 1890 the Gaceta de Manila published the Decree of the General Government of the Philippines issued 12 July 1890 and signed by the then Governor Valeriano Weyler.

The decree indicated that the 5 Peso Telegraph stamp was issued in February 1890 but was now being withdrawn.

The reasons for withdrawal are not stated here but it is known that forgeries had been detected of the 5 Peso Telegraph stamp.

Extract from Gaceta de Manila, 15 July 1890




Manila, 12 July 1890.

In accordance with the proposal of the General Treasury Department (Intendencia, General de Hacienda), I hereby decree the following:   
1.       As of tomorrow, the 5-peso Telegraph stamps that have been  use since February of this year will be removed from circulation in the province of Manila, and in the other provinces of the Archipelago from the day following in which this decree is received.
2.       Corporations, societies, offices and individuals that have in their possession stamps, of the indicated class and price, will present the remainders throughout this current month, to the respective Treasury Administrations, a signed report of the group of stamps mentioned that you wish to exchange for others of the same class, but of a lower or higher price.
3.       The said Administrations, before the end of the month of February, will send to the Central Lottery and Stamped Bills Office, a summary of the lists presented, in order to know the total amount of the requested exchange.  
4.       The exchange will begin on the 1st of next August, for which, the interested parties who have signed the reports mentioned above, will present the stamps whose number has been entered in the said lists with their personal certificate which will serve as justification and at the same time recording, with their signature, the receipt of the stamps delivered to them by virtue of the exchange.
5.       Please send an official letter to his Excellency Minister of Overseas, by the first mail, the necessary request for 5-peso Telegraph stamps to replace those that are removed from circulation by this decree.
6.       The General Administration of the Treasury will dictate the necessary provisions for compliance with this decree, which will be reported to his Excellency Minister of Overseas, with a list of the reasons that inform it and submission of the necessary background information.
Published and returned to the Department for the appropriate effect.


In 1890, 5 Pesos was a lot of money. The forged 5 Pesos telegraph stamps were mostly cancelled with the "CORREOS / MANILA" circular date cancel  and were often hole punched. Although examples the forged stamp cancelled with a telegraph cancellation are known.


(left) Genuine and (right) Forged examples







Gum Types

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