On the 7 March 1897 the Gaceta de Madrid published the Royal Decree of the Queen Regent on behalf of King Alfonso XIII as proposed by the Ministry of Overseas issued 8 October 1897 and signed by the Minsiter of Overseas, Tomas Castellano y Villarroya.
The decree provided a temporary postal franchise to the military based in the Philippines.
Extract from Gaceta de Madrid, 7 March 1897
In view of the fact that the
exceptional circumstances in which the Philippine Archipelago is
located prevent the troops in operations from carrying out the
ordinary postage of their private correspondence, and in order
to facilitate as much as possible to all the individuals of that
Army that during the campaign they find the satisfaction of
communicating by mail with their respective families; at the
proposal of the Minister of Overseas; In the name of My August
Son, KING D. Alfonso XIII, and as QUEEN Regent of the Kingdom, I
come to decree the following: Article 1. Postal franchise is temporarily granted to the private correspondence of all the forces that are in military operations in the aforementioned Archipelago, and to that of their headquarters. Article 2.The aforementioned correspondence will circulate by stamping on the envelopes the official seals used by the General Headquarters, Divisions, Brigades, General Commands, Political-Military Commands and organic units to which the aforementioned forces respectively correspond.. |
Given in the Palace on March 5, one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. MARIA CHRISTINA. The Ministry of Overseas, Tomas Castellano y Villarroya. |