Type C0 (Using Original Handstamp)
Official black surcharge and Type C0 original handstamp (violet)
#F-169 Type C0 violet on 15c red brown |
#F-174A Type C0 violet on (1892) 20c grey brown |
#F-169 C0 violet
#F-174A C0 violet with business handstamp Bartels et al (1904) and Galvez (1942) mention a similar reprint except that the colour is described as violet-black. Peterson (PPJ 2004-3) records a 20c violet surcharge on the 20c grey brown as a reprint although it was later omitted from his listing in PPJ 2019-1. |
#F-174A Type C0 black surcharge on 1892 20c grey brown | #F-175 Type C0 dark violet or violet surcharge on 20c dark violet |
Not seen and the existence of this surcharged stamps has not yet been verified #F-174A C0 black The existence of this stamp was first recorded in Le Timbre-Poste based upon correspondence from. Mr M Galvez. It was subsequently chronicled by other magazines of the time and catalogued in the early catalogues of Scott (1900 and 1903), Hanciau (1906) and Galvez (1910, 1933 and 1942). The existence of this stamp as a genuine postal issue is not proven and may have been confused with a forgery.
Not seen and the existence of this surcharged stamps has not yet been verified #F-175 C0 dark violet Bartels et al (1904) and Galvez (1942) mention a similar reprint except that the colour is described as violet-black. Bartels notes that the surcharge also occurs inverted.
Peterson (PPJ 2004-3) records a 20c violet-black surcharge on the 20c dark violet as a reprint but notes that he had not at that time been able to inspect this stamp. Peterson (2014 pers comm) amended the description to a 20c violet surcharge with only a few examples known. Peterson (PPJ 2019-1) includes an image of an example. However, the stamp shown uses a forged hanstamp (see #F-175 C11 violet). |
#F-177 Type C0 violet or dark violet on 25c brown |
#F-177C Type C0 violet on 25c brown (Gum Type C) |
#F-177 C0 dark violet Also occurs inverted Bartels et al (1904) noted as a reprint in violet-black; Palmer (1912) noted as a reprint in violet-black, also inverted; Galvez (1933) #239a black-violet surcharge; Peterson (PPJ 2019-1) reprint #11 Palmer (1912) noted that a sheet of the 25c brown stamps surcharged with 20c, 15, 5c and telegraph surcharge was reported to exist. Some examples possibly originate from the ‘trial sheet’ containing blank telegraph, 5c, 15c, and 20c surcharges. However, examples of the 20c surcharge on 25c stamp are relatively common (compared to the examples of 5c and 15c on the same base stamp) which suggests that additional batches of the 20c surcharged stamps were made. Indeed, this is a very common reprint with surcharge color variation (violet to very dark shades of violet). |
#F-177C C0 violet (gume type C) noted by Peterson (PPJ 2019-1) in the description of reprint #11. The original base stamp was issued in 1890 and would be expected to exhibit a Gum Type A, whereas Gum Type C was generally used on 1896 and 1897 issues.